Welcome back to "Under the Surface", Stereum's development magazine dedicated to keeping our community informed about the latest advancements, features, and future plans. We took a long hiatus of doing this, and are glad to bring them back this year. First of all, our mission didn't change: Make decentralized technology more approachable for everyone. In this issue, we'll delve into recent updates, highlight key improvements, and offer a sneak peek into what's coming next.
We're excited to announce the release of Stereum version 2.3.2, which brings a host of new features and improvements:
Add To Launcher Button: Quickly import purchased servers from the web app to the Stereum Launcher with a single click. This feature includes a custom protocol handler (stereumlauncher://
), cross-platform support, data validation, and duplicate detection. Fully tested on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Server - Import & Export: Easily import & export your server list from the launcher
DevNet Setup: Enables you to set up a Local Devnet with Stereum
Enhanced Log Backup System: More efficient logging to track events and optimize storage.
Grafana & Prometheus Auto Restart: Restarts prometheus/grafana on Edit Node page changes on modification
Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Password Import Fix: Improved security by addressing password escaping issues.
CSM Queue Status: Improve key deposit queue status & backend to specify the position within the deposit queue
Control Page Error Handling: Enhanced error handling for a smoother user experience.
Grafana Dashboard Sync Fix: Ensured more accurate and reliable data visualization for Besu users.
Various Control Page Fixes: Enhanced stability with multiple minor fixes.
Fixed RPC Requests: Enhanced component communication for better performance.
Streamlined Setup Process: Fixed services setup for a better experience.
Documentation Updates
Contributing Guide: Corrected outdated commands to assist developers in staying on track.
We are in the process of securing a new grant for Community Staking Module (CSM) Tier 2 & 3 integration. This initiative aims to extend and improve Stereum's CSM integration, enhancing the staking experience for our users. To get the grant over the finish line, we would appreciate your support! For more details, please see our grant proposal.
We are thrilled to welcome our newest contributor, Dmitry (mdqst), who has improved our code documentation by fixing several typos 🎉
A new StereumPlus guide is now available on YouTube, offering a comprehensive walkthrough for users. You can watch it here!
Looking ahead, we're excited to share a sneak peek into one of the features planned for version 2.4.0:
L2 Optimism Integration: This marks our first foray into Layer 2 solutions, enabling developers to set up Optimism nodes effortlessly. This integration is a major step toward expanding Stereum’s capabilities for scalability and innovation
As we continue to refine and expand Stereum, your support and contributions are invaluable. Whether it’s through feedback, sharing our updates, or helping push initiatives like the CSM grant proposal forward, you’re an integral part of our mission to make decentralized technology more approachable for everyone.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. We’re excited about what’s ahead and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on these updates. Stay tuned, and let’s keep building the future together! 🚀